The Sound of Music

Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

How did you read that? Read it again. No; sing it. Feel the sound, hear the tune, breathe the notes. That is unique to you. Use it. For what? For creating your work, setting a tone, giving your words life.

Imagine this: a scene from a movie. A door opens, light pouring in. The music rises. Your heart is pounding in your chest. You gulp, waiting for whatever is behind the door to jump out.

Now let’s look at the scene again, but this time with no music. A door opens, the light from outside seeping inside. Somebody must be coming home. The character’s son perhaps?

See the difference? Feel the difference? Music creates an environment. Even when you are writing you can use music to your advantage. Focus on a song that pulls your heartstrings a certain way to help you put the reader into the same mood with just simple words.

But most of all, listen to music that inspires you. Some that makes you stand on your feet, or some that keeps you in your seat, depending. Let the sound of rain from dragons grow your inspiration.